User Commands

  • apropos - locate commands by keyword lookup

  • banner - make posters

  • basename - return non-directory portion of a pathname

  • bc - arbitrary-precision arithmetic language

  • bdiff - big diff

  • bfs - big file scanner

  • cal - print calendar

  • calendar - reminder service

  • cat - concatenate and print files

  • chgrp - change owner or group

  • chmod - change mode

  • chown - change owner or group

  • cksum - write file checksums and sizes

  • cmp - compare two files

  • col - filter reverse line feeds

  • comm - select or reject lines common to two sorted files

  • copy - (XENIX) copy groups of files

  • cp - copy files

  • cpio - copy file archives in and out

  • csplit - context split

  • cut - cut out selected fields of each line of a file

  • date - print or set the date

  • dc - desk calculator

  • dd - convert and copy a file

  • deroff - remove nroff/troff, tbl, and eqn constructs

  • df - disk free

  • dfspace - disk free

  • diff - differential file comparator

  • diff3 - 3-way differential file comparison

  • dircmp - directory comparison

  • dirname - return the directory portion of a pathname

  • du - summarize disk usage

  • echo - echo arguments

  • ed - text editor

  • egrep - search a file for a pattern using full regular
  • env - set environment for command invocation

  • expand - convert tabs to spaces

  • expr - evaluate arguments as an expression

  • factor - factor a number

  • fgrep - search a file for a character string

  • file - determine file type

  • find - find files

  • fmt - simple text formatter

  • fmtmsg - display a message in standard format

  • fold - fold long lines

  • getconf - get configuration values

  • getopt - parse command options

  • grep - search a file for a pattern

  • groups - show group memberships

  • hd - (XENIX) display files in hexadecimal format

  • head - display first few lines of files

  • hostname - set or print name of current host system

  • id - print user and group IDs and names

  • join - relational database operator

  • kill - terminate a process

  • lc - list contents of directory

  • line - read one line

  • listusers - print a list of user logins

  • ln - make a link

  • logins - list login information

  • logname - get login name

  • ls - list contents of directory

  • mail - send or receive mail among users

  • man - find and display reference manual pages

  • mesg - permit or deny messages

  • mkdir - make a directory

  • mkfifo - make FIFO special file

  • more - browse or page through a text file

  • mt - magnetic tape utility

  • mv - move or rename files and directories

  • mvdir - move a directory

  • nawk - pattern scanning and processing language

  • newform - change the format of a text file

  • news - print news items

  • nice - run a command at low priority

  • nl - line numbering filter

  • nohup - run a command immune to hangups

  • oawk - pattern scanning and processing language

  • od - octal dump

  • page - browse or page through a text file

  • paste - merge same lines of several files or subsequent lines of
  • pathchk - check pathnames

  • pax - portable archive interchange

  • pg - file perusal filter for CRTs

  • pgrep - find or signal processes by name and other
  • pkill - find or signal processes by name and other
  • pr - print files

  • printenv - print out the environment

  • printf - print a text string

  • priocntl - process scheduler control

  • ps - process status

  • psrinfo - displays information about processors

  • ptime - time a command

  • pwd - working directory name

  • random - (XENIX) generate a random number

  • readlink - displays the target of a symbolic link

  • renice - alter priority of running processes

  • rm - remove directory entries

  • rmdir - remove directories

  • sdiff - print file differences side-by-side

  • sed - stream editor

  • seq - print a sequence of numbers

  • setpgrp - set process group ID and session ID

  • shl - shell layer manager

  • sleep - suspend execution for an interval

  • sort - sort or merge files

  • spell - find spelling errors

  • split - split a file into pieces

  • stty - set the options for a terminal

  • su - become super-user or another user

  • sum - sum and count blocks in a file

  • tabs - set terminal tabs

  • tail - deliver the last part of a file

  • tape - magnetic tape maintenance

  • tapecntl - tape control for tape devices

  • tar - tape archiver

  • tcopy - copy a magnetic tape

  • tee - pipe fitting

  • test - condition command

  • time - time a command

  • timeout - execute a command with a time limit

  • unexpand - convert spaces to tabs

  • watch - Keep an eye on a command output.

  • whatis - display a one-line summary about a keyword